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Marked by one billion individuals around the world, Earth Day is an annual event calling on more action to tackle the climate crisis. April 22 marks the anniversary of the start of the modern environmental movement in 1970. Following an oil spill in Santa Barbara, California in 1969, US senator Gaylord Nelson initiated college teach-ins to highlight the need for clean air and water. Denis Hayes, a young activist, promoted events across the land and in the following year 20 million people across the US took to the streets to demonstrate against the environmental degradation caused by industrial development. Earth Day was born.
Now, the fight for climate action and civil society mobilization continues and a new generation of young people, ‘generation restoration’ have taken to the streets again to demand a better future. This year the theme ‘Invest in Our Planet’ continues, with a call to governments, businesses and individuals to invest in a green economy. Our campaign starts with the launch of our new Climate Justice program!
INHR is launching a new program to build capacity of SIDS decision makers to have a greater voice in local and international climate change discussions, focusing in particular on youth empowerment. Small Island States contribute least to the cause of climate change yet are disproportionately impacted. Extreme weather events and sea levels rising are devastating vulnerable low-lying coastal populations, many of which are still recovering from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many SIDS are populated by Indigenous peoples who are traditional stewards of their biological and cultural diversity; the loss of land, resources and climate-related migration are becoming larger environmental and human rights challenges.
Get in touch to find out more about our program to build the skills of young people from SIDS countries, as they identify new projects to lead and prepare for participation at a local Conference of Youth and Global COP.
INHR has long standing partnerships with SIDS countries through our Student Legal Advisors program! Here we have founding President Eric Richardson and our Student Legal Advisor Steph Spear, helping the Marshall Islands mission to find sustainable solutions to overcome resource challenges at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. We look forward to our future work together.
Our Brussels Director Olga Bogdan has conducted significant research into the links between gender and climate both in terms of differentiated impacts in the agriculture and disaster risk reduction sectors, as well as about the participation of women in the international climate governance. She also worked on the implementation of the Gen
Our Brussels Director Olga Bogdan has conducted significant research into the links between gender and climate both in terms of differentiated impacts in the agriculture and disaster risk reduction sectors, as well as about the participation of women in the international climate governance. She also worked on the implementation of the Gender Action Plan at the World Meteorological Organization, lectured on gender and climate to our Student Legal Advisors and will share her experience in this area with students from SIDS countries when our program starts. Read here the paper that Olga co-authored.